HOPE Talent Contest

Contest Details

  • Title:22nd All India HOPE Talent Contest
  • Category: Art & Essay Writing
  • Last date:Contact your School
  • Cash Prize:worth more than 5,00,000
  • Result date:15-12-2024
  • Contact:info@schoolsindia.com

                                  22nd All India HOPE Talent Contest (Art & Essay)

Dear Participants,


Schoolsindia, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, has been successfully conducting the National Level All India HOPE Talent Contest in the fields of Art and Essay Writing for over 20 years, covering schools nationwide.

The 22nd All India HOPE Talent Contest in Art and Essay Writing has begun, offering even more exciting awards, rewards, and cash prizes.

We invite students from all affiliated schools to participate in the contest for a chance to win numerous prizes and medals at the national level. This contest aims to uncover and showcase the hidden talents of children, bringing recognition to both their names and their institutions.


The following are the topics according to the standard:

Division Standard Drawing (Arts) Essay Writing (English)
Tiny Tots Prep, Nur & KG Draw a Ball .............
Sub-Junior I & II Butterfly Park My School
Junior III & IV Aquarium Why Sleeping Early is Important
Junior-High V & VI A Waterfall Scene Ways to Save Electricity at Home
Sub-Senior VII, VIII, IX Mandala Art or Warli Painting Street Food Indeed Popular: What Safety Tips Should We Take
Senior X, XI, XII Create an Artwork that Represents the Power of Kindness The Impact of AI Technology on Students



  • Essay: The length should not exceed 500 words. It must be handwritten by the student and should be clear and legible.
  • Drawing: Watercolor, pencil color, oil paint, sketch pen, or crayon may be used. A separate sheet, canvas, or any other material may be used if required, with a maximum size of 10x15 inches.


Terms & Conditions:

• Students who wish to participate in any contest may contact their respective school  (No direct entries shall be accepted)

• The entry sheets for the Drawing and Essay writing contest shall be provided to every participant by Schoolsindia after the entry fee is submitted to the Teacher-in-Charge of their respective school

• The Head of the Institution or the Teacher-in-charge should certify that the entry is the original work.

• All submitted materials shall be the property of Schoolsindia, and shall be free to use such material for any legitimate purpose as it may deem fit.

• Decision of the judges shall be final and binding.


Awards & Rewards:

• All  the participants will be awarded Certificate of Appreciation

• Best entries from each division shall be awarded Merit Certificates and Medals at School Level

• Cash Prizes alone will be awarded to more than 1500 students at National Level

• Winners’ name with class & school name will be displayed in our website

• Best Art Entries at National Level shall be selected for Yearly Calendar / Contest Poster

• Talent recognition opportunity for the students in the National Level Contest.


Cash Prizes:

1st Prize
Rs. 2,00,000/- ( Rupees Two Lakh ) 
( 200 Prizes of Rs. 1,000/- each )
2nd Prize
Rs. 1,50,000/- ( Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand )
( 300 Prizes of  Rs. 500/- each )
3rd Prize
Rs. 1,00,000/- ( Rupees One Lakh )
( 500 Prizes of  Rs.200/- each )
Consolation Prize
Rs. 50,000/- ( Rupees Fifty Thousand )
( 500 Prizes of Rs. 100/- each )


Entry Fees:

  • Rs. 200/-(Rupees Two Hundred Only) for any one field of Contest
  • Rs. 300/-(Rupees Three Hundred Only) for both fields (Art & Essay)


Result: Result for the contest will be announced on 15th December, 2024


To view previous Contest Results, Click here